❤ Love in a Hopeless Place ❤

Sahitya Raj
3 min readDec 24, 2022


You know that point where writers say inspiration just hit them and thats when they got to leave everything aside and write away. Totally feeling that way right now.

I’m a girl who tears up to LOVE at the drop of a hat. As I watch the latest season of Emily in Cooper with Emily & Alfie swooning away in each other’s arms (Season 3, Ep.02 to be specific), two very crucial thoughts cross my mind. Telling you the first one & leaving the latter for another day.

Is Love really hopeless? How far do you go for it? How much of yourself do you give into it to make that fairytale ending work? Is it all going to be worth it?
Maybe. Maybe Not.

But it is worth the try no? Yes, it’s going to hurt. It is going to weigh you down. It is going to affect your day to day routine. It is going to affect your relationships & it is definitely going to affect you in way you could never imagine.

But Darling, what if you fly? What if those butterflies were all that made you feel alive? What if you putting it out there brought you the most beautiful moments of your life? What if you were loved back in a way that you’ve never felt before? & What if it created the most cherished memories of your life?

Which side would you pick?

I’ll tell you what I did, I fell in love with a handsome young man fearlessly. We were Romeo & Juliet of the modern times. The best part was I hadn’t even seen it coming. It came out of nowhere, made me feel like the luckiest girl alive & makes me feel blessed and grateful today for having chosen right once upon a time. I took the risk, I loved deeply, I cried & fought for it and I value it immensely till date. Honestly most of the above is what I felt after it all ended. Back then maybe as we all do, I did take things for granted.

Yes, today I do feel a sense of regret & anxiety every time I think of the decision I took to call it quits. But once it is all done, cut yourself some slack and know this- People will give you loads of advice for choosing otherwise, your partner is going to say statements that he actually means or just out of sheer spite, you are going to have sleepless nights, days of feeling lost & it may also feel like it is the end of the world. But you know YOU! Keep that rooted always!!

And you know what, having gone through all of that-I still did learn to love selflessly. I dared to take that risk & let love into my life. That too the most beautiful form of it. I had the most amazing adventures with my partner-in-crime. A series of photographs, a book of memories that only him & I will know till the end of time. Some of which, only I may have recorded in my mind out of the two of us. That part of him is always going to be yours ❤
Now that is a different kind of SPECIAL right! I love the way life makes you realize that. Being an Old-Fashioned Die-Hard Romantic, I’d choose that feeling any day!!

But how much is too much that doesn’t end up destroying you? Thats a story for another day!
Until then, stay strong, hang in there and LOVE yourself- every bit of it xoxo.



Sahitya Raj
Sahitya Raj

Written by Sahitya Raj

Celeb by Day & Party Animal by Night. People’s person. Compassionate. Die-Hard Romantic. Dancing Diva. The next Marie Kondo. Pyjama Lover. Foodie. Storyteller.

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