Getting up this morning, seemed like a fine fine day with absolutely nothing wrong. Then what is this eerie feeling within that am yet to discover what why how?
Maybe it is the constant scrolling on social media as soon as I’m up. Or maybe it is last night’s hangover of the expectations and tiny bits of love from the boy that I hold so close to my heart. Or maybe it is the mere silly things that people say out of no meaning at all about my character and I take it so personally and define myself with their validation. Or maybe it is the feeling of never been satisfied of ticking those things off my To-Do list and always procrastinating. Sometimes we never know why or what is that feeling within, but it lingers on and the hardest part when our close ones fail to notice or understand and help us through the day.
But you know what, all of this is workable or I’d like to tell myself so and that’s the only way I know how to pick myself up out of this uneasiness. & I start off by writing this article..
Starting tomorrow, I am going to get myself out of this toxic routine and stop scrolling aimlessly at other people’s life and work on MINE. & that I def owe myself for all those glorious years I’ve lived.
That boy doesnt feel, realize or is going to reciprocate any of that immense amount of aasai you feel for him. Its been a while and you know there’s no coming back. So you should stop falling into that trap and end up putting yourself in a place you now you want to be in but shouldnt be in. Instead show that love on yourself- every ounce of it and see what magic it creates within you. Just imagine if we give that amount of love, attention, detail, care and all that we have to offer into ourselves, how beautifully we would bloom and feel everytime we look into that mirror.
Things that others say should never be a thing to define yourself by. Validation is a killer and I go by living my life with that. To think about, who are they to tell us who we are, we should know more than anything else what we stand for and nothing that anyone says should budge us. Specially not the negative things. & hurting them back or being rude is never the answer. So make peace with it and dont let it bother you. Coz you know you!
Procrastination- my dearest enemy. Why can I never let you go. I make lists everyday and they always remain unfinished. So am defintitely looking up more structured ways to go about it and trust me, I’ll try harder and so should you. If there are 10 things, today you do 5 and tmrw you do 6-It is still an improvement and you should go to sleep grateful.
Coz you know what you are going to get there and shine like a star sooooon coming out of all these silly small things that bother you today but are not even going to matter to you in the near future. So LET IT GOOOOOO ❤